AIP(Analytical Instrument Professional) world is a network of professionals with strong expertise in the field of analytical instruments with a mission to create simple, scalable, sustainable solutions for businesses. This network works in a flexible and cost effective manner to provide equal and out-standing opportunity for the engineers who are skilled and experienced in their field. AIP world is representing a small segment of the Instrumentation field which has been ignored by the consulting service providers. The Analytical instrumentation sector faces conundrums like ability to attract right talent, transition from the core market. AIP world intends to focus the enormous untapped potential of fantastic talent pool toward an equally important contributor to the growth of individual through connecting the network of engineer thus UNLOCKING the huge potential value for every individual. This is an attempt to bring together all the talent pool and not profiteering, providing better opportunities and decent remuneration for individuals contribution.
To create tangible and demonstrable value for the specialized clients in the field of Analytical instruments. We only engage with clients where we are able to create tangible and demonstrable value through
Bringing together the untapped potential of fantastic talent pool
Improving quality of human Capital
Productivity of processes and people
Cost savings, revenue generation
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