Analytica Soft-Tech  Training & Testing Centre (ASTTC) has been founded by more than 25 Years of  Experienced Technocrats who contributed their Expertise in the field of Sophisticated Analytical Instrumentation. 
Science & Technology are the two sides of one coin . Without Core Science , Technology cannot be developed and without Technology , Science cannot brought to the surface and utilized for the mankind . Technology is the Face Value of Science . Transformation of inventions into the Utility is the Technology . ASTTC strive hard in transforming the Students into Technocrats .
To Generate and Develop the Specialisation  & Expertise in the Science and Engineering graduates and make them Self-Sufficient to cater the need of growing market . To create the awareness of High End Sophisticated Analytical Instrumentation Techniques & its Market potential under the  Skill- Development Program . We have open the Market Opportunities to the Students and Professionals . We had come up with different courses which introduces this State of Art Technology to the young aspirant of India . Learn in the course how basic Sciences, Mathematical equations  nλ= 2dSinĮž Logartihmic Equations Log%T and Engineering practices are Applied in the latest technology which are used in analysing various Organic & In-Organic compounds from the entire periodic table , Material Characterisation , Elemental studies in our day to day life .
ASTTC training course provide exposure of the High-Tech Analytical Instrumentation technique to the Science, Engineering Graduates and Diploma holders which are utilized in varied Market Segment. 
Job opportunities are open for the Science and Engineering graduates who gain knowledge in
Analytical Instrumentation Techniques , these are Instrument Manufacturer and Service Provider ,
Automobile , Pharmaceutical , Metallurgy , Food Industry , Research and development institutions
like BARC , Nuclear industry , Oil industry etc.. ,the list is endless . 
ASTTC Staff are Experienced in providing training on Operation  of High Tech Analytical Instruments to the Scientist ,Users of various Institutions such as BARC , IIT , Universities, Industries and Research Institutions in the field of Pharma, Nuclear ,Petroleum , Automobile . 
Sophisticated Analytical Instrumentation Technology is a very niche market and up-coming  field (although some of the techniques are invented way back in 1950’s )  now has been used to do the Quality checks of A- Z material. Right from morning tooth-paste , Water you drink , Petrol
/Diesel you fill in your car , Food items , Medicines ,Utensils , till the Fabric you use .…. N number
of items are tested and validated for the Safety of human being . Noodles , Soft-drinks which has
been identified as a health hazard were tested on these Instruments only . 


Contact Us

Analytica Soft-Tech


Bhumi World Industrial Park,
C-7 Thane-Kalyan Road
Maharashtra, India.

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